February 24, 2019

Singapore Budget 2019 – Corporate and Businesses

NAVIGATION Corporate Income Tax Rate Writing Down Allowance (WDA) For Acquisition Of Qualifying Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Investment Allowance (IA) Income Tax Concessions For Singapore-Listed Real Estate Investment Trusts (S-REITs) Tax Concessions For Singapore-Listed Real Estate Investment Trusts Exchange-Traded Funds (REITs-ETFs) Tax Incentive Schemes For Funds Managed By Singapore-Based Fund Managers (Qualifying Funds) Designated Unit…

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Tax Dept

December 21, 2018

SG Transfer Pricing requirement: Related Party Transactions

On 12 January 2017, IRAS released its 4th edition of the Singapore transfer pricing guidelines relating to business entities incorporated or registered in Singapore or carrying on a business in Singapore that have transactions with related parties. Related Party Loans A related party loan arises when there is money lent in one form or another,…

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Dev Team

December 14, 2018

Review your corporate tax position to avoid tax burden

Last Updated 24 Feb 2019 Corporate tax is unavoidable in Singapore. However, with proper tax planning, it is possible for businesses to pay less tax/defer its tax payments. Hence, businesses will minimize their tax and maximize returns for stakeholders and as such, more resources will be available for reinvestment. Under-declaration of taxes in past years…

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Tax Dept

December 12, 2018

Singapore’s first cybersecurity framework

The much discussed Cybersecurity Act 2018 (the Act), which was passed by the Singapore Parliament on 5 February 2018, came into force on 31 August 2018. The Act establishes a legal framework for the oversight and maintenance of national cybersecurity in Singapore. Its four key objectives are to strengthen the protection of Critical Information Infrastructure…

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Paul Wan & Co

December 10, 2018

Temasek unit invests in blockchain-based platform iSTOX

THE Singapore Exchange (SGX) and Temasek Holdings holdings subsidiary Heliconia Capital Management have invested in iSTOX, a capital markets platform by blockchain-based infrastructure company ICHX Tech. The platform designed by ICHX Tech – a company incubated by Singapore investment firm ICH Group – aims to provide fast time-to-issuance and a high level of transparency for…

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Paul Wan & Co